According to expert estimates, around a quarter of Austrians will suffer from an anxiety disorder at least once in their lives, which manifests itself in symptoms such as panic attacks. Women are affected twice as often as men.
Anyone who has already experienced a panic attack knows the feeling of being completely at the mercy of anxiety, a condition one does not want to experience at all, especially not regularly.
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Therefore, in the following text, we would like to provide information about anxiety disorders and panic attacks, show you how to get help and natural treatments, and explain the effects of CBD.
What are panic attacks?
Suddenly everything starts spinning, you start sweating, you start shaking, your vision becomes blurry, and your heart races. The symptoms of a panic attack can be of different natures and in many cases have no explanation. Probably the worst thing about a panic or anxiety attack: it sneaks up on you, comes on suddenly, and strikes so fast and seemingly for no reason that it often takes the skin off the affected person’s feet. When your blood rushes, your heart races and you can no longer concentrate on what is happening at that moment, you feel completely helpless.
Physical and psychological symptoms
Fear is not something that can be seen, grasped, or concretized. Therefore, it is difficult for sufferers to describe the “problem,” especially if someone is unclear about what is happening to them. To outsiders, the fear and panic often seem irrational and they do not know how to help the sufferer.
Sufferers are often unaware for a long time that they are suffering from panic attacks and are simply at their mercy. Because of physical symptoms such as dizziness, palpitations, and sweating, in many cases, the patient first consults a general practitioner. As many panic attacks are not diagnosed correctly, false diagnoses are not uncommon. It can happen, for example, that people with a panic attack think they are having a heart attack.

How does fear arise and how are panic attacks triggered?
Basically, fear is a useful protective mechanism of our body and used to be a great survival advantage. In milliseconds, fear signals our body that danger is imminent and to react to it.
During a panic attack, the body goes into a state of emergency, releasing more adrenaline and causing the blood pressure to shoot up. If you found this article useful, you may also visit Home Hearted to read more about CBD.
A panic attack is always temporary, as the human body can only release a certain amount of hormones such as serotonin, cortisol, or insulin. Therefore, it is not possible for the body to maintain this state of panic permanently. In an acute panic situation, it is very useful to keep this fact in mind and to know that it will happen again.
Even if panic attacks are temporary, they can last for several hours. In comparison, this is quite rare; most panic attacks last only a few minutes. In most cases, the panic attack should have reached its peak after a few minutes and should subside again.